We are excited to be planning the 2025 Conference! As always, our goal is to bring public health communicators together to exchange ideas, share resources, and strengthen our field. We recognize that there is some uncertainty right now, especially regarding federal agency participation and travel budgets. To help us with planning, we’d love to hear from you!

Please complete this brief, confidential survey by Tuesday, March 11th
to let us know if you are planning to attend:  Click here for Survey

The Call for Abstracts will be opening soon. We invite you to start considering presentation ideas and ways you might contribute to this year’s program!

Registration Opening Soon!

Submit Your Abstract
Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Why Attend?

NCHCMM is an opportunity to:

  • Share new concepts and knowledge that would influence theory-based and evidence-based practice of health communication and marketing.
  • Present and share original research, findings from pilot studies, and results of comprehensive evaluations of health communication and marketing campaigns and programs.
  • Discuss new theories, refinements or applications, and new conceptual models that can contribute to the success of health communication and marketing programs.
  • Discuss emerging trends in and the development and application of new communication tools and technologies in health communication and marketing programs.
  • Network with leaders in the field.

Watch to learn what attendees love about NCHCMM!